LAR – Galdino DelReal 12-7-13 Basic

Life Above Reproach

Since the year 1974, my life has been a life with purpose because it was in that year when I had for the first time a personal encounter with Christ Jesus my Lord.  It was after I met Him and knew Him personally that I realized how sad and void my life had been all this time without Him.  I used to live without aim and goals.  I did not have a way which could guide me to the true meaning of my life.

Now when I study the Bible, I find that God has a purpose for my life; and not only for me, but also for everyone who seeks Him with all of his/her heart.  All that anyone has to do to know why he/she is in this world is to seek the Lord and He will reveal Himself to that person and show him/her what is the purpose of his or her life on this earth.

The Word of God has been designed in such a manner that is so simple and clear to understand.  In every word and in every letter, herewith, is the Holy Spirit of God shedding understanding and light to our soul, so that we may allow the Holy Spirit to imprint God’s Word in our soul.

I thank my God for the program:  “Life Above Reproach” because it has helped me to be a more mature and a more transparent Christian before the sight of the Lord, and before everybody who lives around me, saved or unsaved.

Today, I feel a heavier responsibility upon my shoulders.  I feel the responsibility of presenting myself to my God with a clear and clean conscience.

To have done this program was such a blessing to me because it brought refreshment to my memory.  Throughout all these years of walking with the Lord, I rejoice with His Word, with His promises, with His wisdom, with His comfort, and with His discipline.  While I was doing this program, I remembered so many preaching and teachings from different brothers in the faith.  Somehow all this brought a revival in my spirit to keep on forward, fighting the good battle of the faith, and attain that which I was called to fulfill from my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Thank you very much.                                   God in Jesus, bless you

Galdino D. R.