LAR – Michael James 11-9-13 Basic

Life Above Reproach

Participating in the group “Life Above Reproach”, as a Minister, I have found it to be a necessary addition to the life of any man or woman of God who is struggling with living a righteous, sin-free life.

This is not to say that I have no sin, or that I will never sin again. (Romans 3:23)  Rather, when I would do right, and sin makes itself know at times, I have to fight to do what is right. However, when I do sin, I must be willing to confess my faults to and with those who are struggling just like me. (James 5:16)

Spending time with my Christian brothers in the group has given me great joy. Pleasure in not only what I have learned and continue to learn about myself, but also what I have learned about my brothers in Christ. Especially when watching the transformation of their lives, right before my very eyes—fear diminishing and disappearing altogether, shyness turning into holy boldness, and hearts of stone turning into hearts of flesh.

I have been blessed to be a part of the healing process brought about by participating—putting  something in and getting out from what the others have so graciously contributed to the growth of the body, the group.  As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, a man of God, there are many times when the babes in Christ have become my teacher.  I have learned so much from their lives, past and present, in how they deal with issues through Christ Jesus, their study habits, and prayer life.

Sometimes just knowing that I am not alone in what I am going through gives me a greater appreciation of God in Christ, and the demonstration of His love in and through other believers. (Hebrews 13:3)

I believe that every Christian and non-Christian alike should take this course, trust in God through it all, and then stand still to see what the Lord will do in your life.

In the service of our Lord,

Michael James