LAR – Arthur Cruse – October 7th, 2019


Arthur Cruse Jr.

            “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:14

            As a kid growing up, I wasn’t congratulated for the good things I had done, but I was criticized for each and every mistake I made.  I remember hearing my dad tell me things like, “Arthur, what are you, retarded or something?  Arthur, you’re the stupidest kid I’ve ever met in my life.”  My 3rd grade teacher told me, “You are hopeless,” after I failed to understand her way of teaching me long-division.

            For years after hearing those crude remarks from my dad, my teachers, and others I began to believe all of it which crippled me mentally.  I believed that I was stupid or hopeless.  I believed that I was incapable of succeeding; and since I believed what others said about me, I failed to even attempt to do anything constructive

            Once I became saved, I started to read God’s Word. He began to show me just how much He loves me, how much I matter to Him, and what He thinks of me.  God said that, “I am the apple of His eye” Zechariah 2:8, “I am created in His image and likeness,” Gen 1:26. God says many things concerning me in His Word.  He even sent His son Jesus to die for me which means that I am priceless!  But what stood out to me the most was Him saying, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Ps 139:14. What this means is that I am an awesome wonder, I am truly a masterpiece walking.  What God wants you to know is that you are the apple of His eye.  You are created in His image and likeness. You are priceless, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

            Once I started listening to what God said about me, I then began to believe His Words. Once I believed His Words, I started to believe that I could do whatever I set my mind to.  And once I set out to do these things, other people started telling me how smart I am, how talented I am, how strong I am, and how creative I am. 

            So, remember these words when others call you stupid, ugly, dumb, fat, or retarded.  You are a masterpiece!

God Bless

Arthur Cruse Jr.