LAR – Arthur Cruze Jr. – April 7, 2018

Living Above Reproach

By Arthur Cruse Jr.


     “Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you; that your days

      may be long, and that it may be well with you.”  Deuteronomy 5:16

Growing up was hard for me; although I was blessed to have both my parents raise me, we had a very challenging relationship.  The answers I often heard from my parents were, “No, not right now, maybe some other time.”  As a kid, I truly felt that my parents were from another planet or just too old to understand me; and because I felt this way, I dishonored them by rebelling against their rules.  I did my chores an hour after they asked me.  I was disruptive in school and ditched class; and, I chose to honor the words of my friends.  I started to steal stuff from the grocery store.  I joined a gang, and my life was never the same.  I started stealing people’s cars, drinking, and smoking weed, too.

On the night of June 28, 2003, I attempted to take someone’s life; and after being on the run from the police, I was finally caught and arrested on January 6, 2004.  I later received a sentence of 15- years-to-life.  I was 19 then; and now, here I am at age 33 in prison writing to you.

Since I have been here, I haven’t heard from any of my friends—no letters, no birthday cards, no money, no “nothing”!  The mail, the pictures, the cards, and the money that I have received were from my parents!  As it turned out, I was dead wrong about my parents.  They loved me all along.  Sure they made mistakes, don’t we all?  They were doing the best they could the way they knew how, and I am glad to say that our relationship is a lot better now.  I thank God for both of them.

The verse I quoted earlier was purposely put in the Bible because God knew that respect for parents would build strong families.  Strong and godly families would in turn teach children the ways of God; and the covenant community dedicated to serving and worshiping God would remain intact.  The benefits of respecting one’s parents would be a long life and success.

It’s crazy how life is.  Now I go to church, go to work, and respect others.  I do all the things my parents told me to do when I was a kid.  I just wish I would have followed their instructions a lot sooner.



Arthur Cruse Jr.