LAR – Chieu Yang – September 21st, 2020

Life Above Reproach “Testimony”


By Chieu Yang


We all want it!  In fact, love is the most powerful force in the universe.  It has motivated many people to do some amazing things.  The greatest act of love in the entire history of mankind was driven by love.  Millions of books have been written about it.  It is why we exist, and it is the only reason I’m still alive today.

Growing up I always thought I knew what love was.  Whenever I saw a fine-looking girl, I was in love!  There was no doubt in my mind.  I would do anything to be with her because that is what you do when you love someone right?  Until some other hottie comes along, and you fall in love again.

I realize now it was never love because love is more than just about looks.  How do I know?  Well, everyone is going to get old, trust me. I know because I am old, and people think I look like Jackie Chan now.  Do not laugh man, it is not funny!  My point is no one will stay young and beautiful forever, but why do people stay married for fifty years?  What else – love!

So, what is love?  When I joined a gang, I did it because I had love for the homies.  I had their back and they had mine.  It was us against the world.  We were ready to die for each other and for the gang.  If that was not love, then I do not know what is.  The gang was like my family.  In some ways, they were better than my own family.  I am sure some of you can relate.  No more whippings from my dad or my mom telling me I was stupid and worthless.  That sure is not love I thought.  I would not tell my own son or daughter that they are dumb and useless.  I just knew my homies loved me.  They treated me with respect and never said any crap like that to me.

To keep a long story short, I ended up doing a lot of senseless and horrific things all for the sake of the homie love.  After 26 years in this hellhole called prison, I can tell you there is no such thing as “homie love.”  It was all based on a bunch of lies.

At the time I did not know any better though because for the first time in my life I felt good about myself and could not see it for what it was, but love is more than just feelings.  Love is not something you go looking for or you need to earn.  Love is not supposed to hurt or cause you pain.  Without love, life is meaningless.  There would be no hope for a better tomorrow especially for someone like me who terrorized the streets of my community and brutally killed a man in cold blood, execution style.  How could I ever be forgiven for the blood on my hands?  I thought I would die in prison; and to keep it real, I probably deserve to.

So why am I filled with so much joy today?  Remember earlier I mentioned about the greatest act of love in the history of mankind!  I was talking about Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross at Calvary.  Because of God’s love for me, Jesus Christ died for my sins so that I can be forgiven and live.  He did not do it because He had to or thought it would be fun to be nailed on the cross and hung for days!  I mean, Jesus was God Himself.  He had the power to end it all; but instead, He chose to endure and suffer until His last breath for me and for all of humanity.  Jesus died because He loved us.  God is love.  Love is selfless.  It is when you want to do something for the betterment of others.  Love is a sacrifice we make, so our families can have a better future and a better life.  It does not matter what people might say about you.  They do not know you, so it does not mean anything.  The truth is what matters, and the truth is found in God’s word.  Before you were even born, He thought of you.  Isn’t that amazing?  You are born from God.  Unless you want to argue with God and call Him a liar than accept His words and start loving yourself.  God saved me.  His love showed me that I am worthy.  The Bible reads, “Never will I (God) leave you.  Never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5).  It is true.  Anything is possible if you trust Him and believe in Him.

I am a living testament to that truth.  Last week I was found suitable for parole and I am finally going home to my family.  I could never have done this without God’s love and grace.  God put it in my heart to write this testimony about the power of His love.  My prayer is that all of you will have a relationship with Him and experience what true love really looks like.  The price has been paid already.  All you need to do is say “yes.”  I leave you with this story.  God bless you!!!



One night a man had a dream.  He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord.  Across the sky flashed scenes from his life.  For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him and the other to the Lord.


When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand.  He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints.  He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times of his life.


This really bothered him, and he questioned the Lord about it.  “Lord, you said that once I decided to follow You, You’d walk with me all the way.  But I noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life, there is only one set of footprints.  I don’t understand why when I needed You most You would leave me.”


The Lord replied, “My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.  During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”