LAR – Correll Hicks – April 8, 2017

To the Saints:

After completing another round facilitating “Life Above Reproach,” two truths became apparent to me.  The first was the biggest encouragement, which is that our Lord is always faithful.  Jesus demonstrated His unwavering faithfulness by dying on the cross, and He continues to reveal His faithfulness by bringing increase.  All I need to do is step out in faith.

Despite all the obstacles that arise running a 32-week group, the Lord kept us together and caused us to grow in the faith.  I didn’t see my talents and abilities through this.  I witnessed His Spirit work over and over again.  All He asked was that I step out in faith and He would bring the increase.  He says that the harvest is great, but the laborers are few.  There is a promise in those words.  It was His faithfulness that overcame my shortcomings, other’s trials in the flesh, the enemy’s opposition, and any other form of discouragement.  It was not my ability, but by His grace.  I encourage any saints in the ministry to live by faith because He is faithful.  He cannot deny Himself.  Step out in faith counting and depending, not on your talent, but on His faithfulness.  Then, He will use your talents despite your shortcomings to bring in the great harvest.

The second truth was more personal because I saw that our Lord was grooming me to be a minister.  He showed me in a powerful way how He could glorify Himself in me by opening my eyes. He revealed my shortcomings; and in doing so, He reminded of those areas where I still needed to surrender more to Him.  Then, He gave me a glimpse of how much more He could be glorified through me if I surrender all the more which was encouraging.

So to all the saints considering participating in the “Life Above Reproach” ministry, I want to reassure you that it is a wonderful journey to take.  The Lord will be with you every step of the way and along the way you will get to know Jesus in a profound way, growing in knowledge of Him.  Love by faith, you are just, and step out in faith because He remains faithful!


Your Brother In Christ,

Correll Hicks Jr.

2 Peter 1:19