LAR – Daniel Wayne Rose – January 21st, 2019

Wayne’s Testimony


My name is Daniel Wayne Rose. I grew up in a two-bedroom apartment with two of my brothers and my mother and father.   My brothers and I, including the oldest, shared at least one parent; but not both.  I grew up in a violent household and my father was an alcoholic that abused my mother and neglected us boys.  Growing up there was no bible in the apartment.  My mom’s advice was, “There’s a God, pray to Him.”  And so, I prayed to an unknown God.

My three older brothers were all gang members.  My two oldest brothers were Bloods, and my brother above me was a CRIP.  My mom is half white and half Mexican; so, I had South Sider family members.  My grandpa was an ex-Cholo drug addict.  Two of my mom’s siblings were in and out of prison my whole life.  One is currently in prison, the other died of an opioid overdose in 2004.  Three of my mom’s siblings were from South Sider gangs; my cousins were South Siders also.

I joined a gang at 12 years of age.  Being poor I fit in because my clothes did not matter, only if I was down.  My brother who was above me was arrested for murder when I was 15.  He faced the death penalty for a year.  When the charges were dropped, he came home, and I joined his gang.  When I joined, it felt good to have all these older males treat me with such love.  They smiled, hugged me, told me they were proud, congratulated me, and gave me beer to drink.  They became the father figures I was looking for.

Soon I was selling weed at school and crack in the hood.  Because I was a “little homey,” they put a gun in my hand so I could prove myself.  A few days later I had my first shootout.  Then, not long after, while trying to continue to prove myself, I was shot in the back by the LAPD.  Having lived, my reputation grew, and I gained respect.  This was my life; I had no dream of doing anything else.

In 2002 a good friend of mine was shot in the head five times.  I reacted and murdered a man I believed to be from the rival gang.  In 2004, in a delusional state, I shot at an off-duty sheriff, believing he was a rival.  While doing time for that, I was taken back to L.A. County to face murder charges, and the death penalty (gang related murders can receive the death penalty).  I watched my friends get on the stand and testify to save themselves.  I was abandoned by everyone except mom and pops.

While looking for hope, I was introduced to Jesus Christ and was told He could make me a new man.  He did!  I was convicted of murder in 2008.  I received Life Without Parole plus 25-to-Life.  I left the gang when I became a Christian, and never looked back.

Since that time, my brother, who was my “big homie” became a Christian also.  He is now raising his daughters and son in the faith.  My mom is now a Christian, and the Lord is working on my Pops.  My life has improved.  I have meaning and purpose.  I know what true love is and I’m loved, not for what I can do, but because of who I am.  Jesus has made me a new man.  I love this new me, and I would not give Him up or my salvation for anything.

In prison, as a Christian, I live better than I ever did out there in the world.  Though I am in prison, I am free; and I see that the life I lived, the gangs, drugs, and fast women was empty.  It led nowhere and was a dead-end path.  Life is so much more than gangs and drugs.  The world is so big, and that life is so small!

Please do not give up your precious life for that culture.  Before you know it, you will look up and life will have passed by.  Thank God, Jesus offers eternal life because this one has been full of pain and sorrow due to gang banging and drugs.