LAR – Duane Keeney – October 7th, 2019

The Grace of God

Duane Keeney

            This month will mark the 27th year of my incarceration, and in four years I will appear before the Board of Prison Terms for the first time.  It has been a long and difficult journey at times, but for the most part I’ve enjoyed the peace and joy that can only be experienced through a personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.

            When I was in county jail in 1992, I accepted Jesus as my Savior and my Lord.  Never in my life had I felt so free of guilt and shame as I did that night when I laid all my sins and burdens at the feet of Jesus.  What a blessing it was!  It was an amazing feeling that is beyond description.

            Over the past 26 years, I’ve grown and matured in Christ.  Not just as a Christian but more importantly as a human being.  My entire world view has changed as God has transformed my thinking to be in line with His Word and His plan for my life.  I no longer have a victim mentality, thinking the world owes me something.  Instead, I now have the mentality that I am victorious and someone worthy of love.  I no longer quit a task or project because I don’t like how things are going, but instead I’m learning to keep pushing forward despite the difficulties I’m facing. 

            That’s how I’ve survived all these years of prison life.  Over these many years of incarceration, I’ve completed countless classes and courses.  I’ve also achieved a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s Degree in Theology majoring in Christian counseling, but I have some greater achievements then these.  While in prison, God has used me to lead my father, mother and sister to a personal relationship with Him.  These are the greatest events to take place in my life.  These events have made my incarceration worthwhile and tolerable because I’ve finally done something good with my life.  All praise and glory go to God.

            I now live my life for Jesus and part of living for Him is to give to others what He has given me.  One way I do that is by participating in church and Christ-based activities.  That is the reason why I enjoy Life Above Reproach.  In this class, I share my personal experiences with others while listening to theirs as well.  We also encourage one another as we deal with everyday life in prison.  I really appreciate this class and I will continue to participate in Life Above Reproach wherever I may go in the future.  I am very grateful and humbled to be able to enjoy the wonderful fellowship this class provides as we discuss scripture and issues we are facing with in our lives. 

            Thank you,

Duane Keeney