LAR – Kenneth Jackson – October 7th, 2019


Kenneth Jackson

            Looking back, I can see God at work throughout my life; it really became apparent when I was arrested.  I quickly hit rock-bottom. I felt life had no meaning and that it was just a waste of time, only prolonging my misery.  In desperation, I cried out to God asking Him what was happening and why?  I said that I could not go on without Him and received Jesus as my Savior.  All of a sudden, I felt a warm calm envelop me and I knew my life would never be the same.

            Throughout the next several years, I dramatically grew in my knowledge and understanding about God.  He has kept me safe.  One time he caused me to walk a different route to church when a fight broke out on the yard right where I would have been.  Or the time when I was again on my way to church.  I was running late, and I went the short way and a riot broke out on the opposite side of the yard about the same time I would have been there. 

            There was another time when I was going camping, God delayed my departure with a school bus that was blocking the driveway.  After I finally got underway, I saw that there was an accident that would have killed me in my little jeep.

            Last summer my Dad got bit by a bee on the forehead.  It wouldn’t heal for months and was really sore.  It didn’t look any different than the rest of his forehead except for the bite area, but he had a biopsy done to see why it wasn’t healing.  Come to find out the spot was cancerous.  The doctor was able to remove all the cancerous skin and it quickly healed.  God even used the bee to bite him in the exact spot in order to reveal the cancer, otherwise he may have gone for years before noticing anything.  Praise God for revealing it through one of his tiny creatures. It gave its life (quickly swatted flat) to preserve my Dad’s.  This is what Jesus has done for all of us. 

            God continues to work in my life in amazing ways.  The more knowledge I crave, the more understanding He gives me.  I’m still in the infancy as a Christian; but God, through the Holy Spirit, is guiding me every step I take.

            Through Jesus’s sacrifice, I gained eternal salvation.  God keeps my heart beating and me breathing; and the Holy Spirit leading and guiding me.   My life has never been richer or more meaningful, and I can’t wait to see where God takes me.

Kenneth Jackson