LAR – Larry Lee Halverson – September 21st, 2020

Jesus is Driving Now

By:  Larry Lee Halverson


This is my testimony that began exactly nine years ago today, September 4, 2011.

While driving home from the store, I struck a pedestrian, breaking his femur with a couple of lacerations.  The man was care flighted (air ambulance) to a trauma center, and I was arrested.

I had been home four months after serving a 2–6-year sentence for my fifth DUI.  Just two years prior to that I had received a 2-1/2-year sentence after a succession three DUIs beginning in 2003.  The judge told me that if I did not stop, someday I was going to kill someone or myself.  I was in a state of alcohol and drug induced insanity.  Every time I got behind the wheel intoxicated; I expected a different result.

After three months in the trauma unit, the man I had hit developed multiple combating medical issues causing him to be put on life support.  His vital organs then began shutting down and his family had to make the decision to take him off life support.  I had caused his hospitalization, but not his death–I believed.

A 2-1/2-year trial was full of conflicts from the grand jury, evidence disputes, testimony issues, counsel failures, and jury tampering, I was sentenced to a 20-to-life term for Gross Vehicular Manslaughter while Intoxicated.  Fine! I would get it overturned on appeal.

I compiled argument after argument based on all the reasons why it was not my fault that he died.  It was during the 3-year appellate process that something started coming over me.

Believing I was still a faithful Christian by doing a Daily Bread Bible study every morning, praying continuously throughout the day and night. I also went to chapel services twice a week, but this compelling emptiness and void just persisted.  I remained steadfast in prayer.

I was transferred to Solano Prison due to my age of 65 and changing my medical status.  Again, fine!  It offered an excellent alcohol and drug counseling program.  The first day in reception, a chapel assistant came by my cell and welcomed me with literature and a weekly service schedule.  The following Sunday I was very graciously received at The Chapel of Good Shepard’s by fellow brothers in faith and the Pastor.  I attended every worship service, bible study, and signed up for “The Truth Project” for the first time.

Now my emptiness began to fill, and the void started taking shape.  At a one-on-one with the Pastor, I saw my failures; and in repenting of my sins, I took ownership my responsibility for causing that man’s death.  I began to focus on recalling my sins needing confession and taking them to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ which moved me to be baptized again as a born-again Christian.

Through this spiritual revitalization and awakening to the Holy Spirit’s presence in me, through me, and in life, I no longer pursued gaining my freedom through the appellate process.  I had resolved to letting go and letting God be the driver of that destiny.

Once again, a blessing of my security level dropping from 3 to 2 and moved to “D” yard.  Now I could enroll in, “Life Above Reproach” for the first time.  About the same time, I was informed of the law changes that may affect my sentence in in a drastic way.  However, CDCR was interfering.

My initial goal for 2016 was to transfer to Solano Prison and apply for the OMCP (Offenders Mentoring Certification Program) to become a California State Certified AOD (Alcohol and Other Drug) counselor.  My Father God knew I had the experience and background to qualify.

Now, in the final months of classes, ready for the state exam, I am notified that my sentence has been modified from a parole eligibility date of May 2031 to a date of June 2022.  Then credits for the first phase of OMCP was applied and the new parole hearing date was February 2022.  But wait, the blessings are not done.  Due to hardships of COVID 19, the secretary of CDCR is granting 12 weeks “behavior” credit, with a new parole date hearing date of November 2021 this year.

When granted parole, I will transition to a treatment facility where I can earn my required internship hours to become a California Certified Addiction and DUI Treatment Professional (CADTP I).  Also, with full belief and confidence the Lord’s Holy Spirit will guide me where needed.

Due to the pandemic, this second session of Life Above Reproach was done remotely and has been so awakening to my recovery process from drugs and alcohol.  Combined with my new profession, I know my Holy Spirit’s guidance will continue to ready me to give back in any or all ways possible.  In Jesus’ name!