LAR – Lester Pamilton Sr. – October 7th, 2019


By: Lester Pamilton Sr.

            I grew up watching my father pastor three different churches. 

            In 1979, I committed a cold and calculus murder that I got away with.  A few months later, I was arrested for attempted robbery.  I was sentenced to four years in the youth authority.  It was at that time God made himself known to me in a personal way.  I only served 3 months and 26 days on a 4-year sentence.

            In 1983, I was called into the ministry.  I was licensed and ordained by the Southern Baptist Denomination in the State of California.  By 1986, I was living a carnal-Christian life.  Once, I even surrendered my life over to Christ.  I repented of my wayward lifestyle.  When I did this for the first time in my life, I heard that soft still voice in my right ear.  He made a simple statement, “Make right your wrong.  I’ll never leave you nor forsake you.”  That’s it!  That’s all!  However, I knew in my spirit exactly what He was talking about. 

            I went and turned myself in for the murder that I had committed seven years prior.  I was given a 17-years-to-life sentence with a 2-year enhancement.  Now some 30 years later, I’m serving the Lord wholeheartedly. 

            I’ve been anointed to be an elder in the body of Christ.  I can truly say I’m freer today than I have ever been in my life on the outside.  Today I have that peace that Jesus told His disciple’s about.  Not the peace that’s in this world, but His peace!  Peace that surpasses all understanding! 

            I’ve been called to be an intercessor, so I spend countless hours in prayer and meditation.  I co-facilitate the Purpose Driven Life group.  God has truly shown me the essence of the scripture Romans 8:28 that says, “All things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and who are called according to His purpose.”  Amen!