LAR – Linza Russell – October 7th, 2019

Life Above Reproach

“My Truth”

Linza E. Russell

            I am a 51-year-old man who’s early years of life was raised in a church-going family.  I was baptized at an early age.  I was a good kid, humble, and meek until I heard and answered the call of the streets.

            The call of the streets was greater than the voice of the pastor at church which proved to be the biggest mistake I have made in all my life.  I say that because I am sitting in prison serving a 31-to-life sentence basically because I wanted to do “my thing!”

            While I was in the church, I was a victim of unconditional, genuine, real love from everyone I encountered.  The streets held only contempt, hatred, and mistrust; and dare I do not forget greed, selfishness and loneliness.  Those were merely some of the let-downs resulting in my choice to leave the church.

            When things became too much for me to bear alone, Jesus’ loving arms were right there to welcome me back.  I felt just like the “prodigal son,” in Luke 15:11-24.  It took me being put in prison for God to get my attention.  HE GOT MY FULL ATTENTION!

            No one ever said that walking with Christ was going to be easy, and it has not been.  I carry a cross that is far lighter than the cross that Jesus carried.  Because of Jesus’ cross I have a savior, a comforter, and a friend.  There is nothing in this world that can make you choose anything other than the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

            I cried out to the Father a few days after being arrested and I have not looked back since.  Through many trials and temptations, I have weathered many storms.  I have even stumbled a time or two, but I dare not return to the old me.

            I know that I can never repay Father God for all or anything that He has done or blessed me with. I know that there is one thing I can do and that is to praise and worship Him as long as I live.

            I pray that I am a good servant of our Lord God in heaven.