LAR – Mark J. Morales – October 7th, 2019

Life Above Reproach

Testimony #2

By:  Mark J. Morales

            To the youth and future society.  First, I want to tell you that God loves you.  No matter what trouble you may be in, there is hope in Jesus.  When I was younger, I had no idea who Jesus was, but I found out that He knew me.  He tried to get my attention several times by sending people my way to invite me to church for over a period of twenty years.  I often told His people that I was busy.  I always made an excuse until one day He got my attention. 

            One night when I was 20 years old, I was driving in my low-rider truck “bumpin” my two 18’s and I mis-shifted and broke my clutch.  So, I wound up sleeping in my truck in a Firestone parking lot waiting until the morning to get my truck fixed.  After getting it fixed, I went to my girlfriend’s house and told her what happened.  I needed to sleep because I couldn’t in my truck.  She told me she wanted me to go to a party with her later that night.  I told her I didn’t want to go.  I was exhausted, but I eventually I gave in and went.

            I made some bad choices before that night.  I had started doing and selling drugs, so on that night I also sold drugs.  But this night I was threatened by my girlfriend’s ex, and later that night his friends robbed me at the party.  After the fear of being surrounded by this guy’s homeboys and them threatening me, taking my money and drugs, I got angry.  One of them threatened me with a rock and then a gun.  I snapped and within two minutes of me being attacked and robbed, I killed two people.  I destroyed multiple people’s lives in a matter of a few minutes because of bad choices I had made. 

            I say all this to hopefully steer you in a better direction.  I don’t want this or worse to end up happening to you.  I have spent over 25 years in prison.  But the worst thing is that I put two people’s families in a prison of despair, depression, anger, guilt, financial difficulties, devastation, and anguish. All this was due to my lack of empathy, my selfishness, and impulsiveness. 

            I can’t take back the mistakes I made, but I can share my experience with you and save you from a life of heartache and regret.  Surround yourself with friends who don’t use drugs, gang bang, or get into trouble.  Think about the choices you make before you decide to act, and ask yourself, “Can you hurt anyone or yourself?” 

            The best thing I did was accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.  He has given me peace, joy, hope, salvation from eternal suffering, and confidence in where I’ll spend eternity.  You too can receive this gift of grace and mercy by believing Jesus died for you to take away your sin.  Just confess with your  mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved as stated in Romans 10:9-10, 13.  He will give you a special gift called the Holy Spirit.  He will comfort you, guide you, and lead you into all truth.  He prays for you when you don’t even know what to pray, and without Him it’s impossible to understand the Word of God.  God has been with me these 25 years in prison.  I couldn’t have had peace like I have now without Him.  I hope that you too can experience it. 

            I am serving a double-life sentence, one of which is without parole.  God has made me a new person. I don’t desire the things I used to like breaking the law, but I find joy in doing good to people and helping them out.  If someone is feeling down, I’ll try to cheer them up.  I’ll take the time to listen to them.  If someone needs food or hygiene, and if I have it, I’ll help them.  By doing this and other kind acts, God is pleased; and, it feels really good to help my fellow man out. 

            I have tried to better myself so I can give back to my community.  I’m one class away from earning a double college Associates Degree.  I have become a Certified Lab Optician and a Dispensing Optician.  I’ve become a Certified 2-stroke and 4-stroke Small Engine Mechanic.  I’m more than halfway through a Biblical College course from the Urban Ministry Institute.  I am a facilitator in Life Above Reproach, a former facilitator of the Alternatives to Violence Program.  I’ve taken numerous self-help classes and courses in Anger Management and Denial Management.  I am part of the Veteran’s Healing Veterans narration therapy program.  I’m a U.S. Navy Veteran Honorably discharged in 1994 and awarded multiple medals, one of which was for a double humanitarian mission in Mogadishu Somalia during the tragic event known as Black Hawk Down.  I am also certified in computer literacy, Basic Construction Theory and Bumper-to-bumper automobile theory.  I’ve attended A.A. and N.A. and “Common Ground” which is designed to help with understanding between all ethnicities to help promote peace in prison and after prison.  A similar group I was a part of is the Center for Men’s Counsel which had a similar objective.

            To continue with understanding myself, I was a part of the facilitator training for Getting Out by Going In (GOGI).  This training helps with insight and coping skills for stressful situations and also helps with understanding your physical cues through the various emotions everyone has.