LAR – Robert Moreno – April 7, 2018

The Testimony of a Lost Boy Who Found Himself

By Robert Moreno


My name is Robert Moreno and as a child, I remember Christmas very well.  Every year my grandmother would build a little house with many lights and a lot of candies for baby Jesus.  I have to be honest; I ate most of the candies.

At about 7 years old, I remember meeting my parents.  I was then very confused and I began to act resentful.  I really regret ever choosing to disobey them.  Unfortunately, I was exposed to domestic violence; and as you might imagine, my life was never the same.  The dreams and hopes that my grandparents had for me were over.  I actually lost all faith, and I stopped praying.  This is when I lost myself.

At 11 years old, my problems only got worse.  I started consuming alcohol and drugs; and, I started hanging around my friends from elementary school.  Those kids were criminal street gang members and I decided to join them.  My journey as a gang member began and I started committing crimes on innocent people.  The only time I would ask God for help was when I was getting beaten, stabbed, or shot at.  At times I would think that God was punishing me.  Little did I know that God does not punish His children.

In 1996, at the age of 19, I was finally shot.  I was wounded in a drive by shooting which almost cost me my life.  However, in 1999, I chose to continue being hateful; and finally, I exploded with rage.  I became a murderer; I shot and killed a 17-year-old teenager.  Nothing justified what I did!  In the heat of the moment, I saw my victim as a rival gang member as an enemy.  I didn’t see him as a human being or a brother.

After 19 years in prison, I now realize my feelings of abandonment by my parents resulted in having low self-esteem.  This grew into an unhealthy quest for approval.  I adopted the mindset that I had to solve my own problems and figure out everything on my own.  There was never going to be anyone I could count on.  I was so wrong!  I was tired of hurting people, including myself.

Today I am grateful and understand that I am only alive because of God’s grace.  On December 6, 2016, I decided to surrender my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.  The beautiful moments from the past when I was a good kid brought me back to reality.

Furthermore, this is my favorite scripture, Philippians 1:27, “Above all, you must live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the good news about Christ.”  This is who I am today!