LAR – SHAFTER MCCF – Roland McFoy – Oct 18, 2018

My Testimony

By Roland C. McFoy


Hi, my name is Roland C. McFoy.  I am a faithful believer in Jesus Christ, my Savior.  I was born again on September 9th, 2003, but before I gave my life over to God, I was one of the biggest sinners ever.

I joined a gang out of Los Angeles, California.  I walked around with blue bandanas in my pocket causing trouble in the city by stealing out of people’s cars and fighting a lot.  As I grew up, fighting became something of the past.  So, I purchased a gun which I kept with me everywhere I went except school.  I used to hear this old adage “Live by the gun, die by the gun.”  Yes, I used the gun numerous times and yes, I hurt a lot of people and their families.

One day that pain hit close to home.  My cousin got shot in the back twice, and he was paralyzed from the waist down.  I believe that was part of God’s plan for me.  God showed me how it felt to almost lose a family member to gun violence.  That was a hurt that made me realize that God created us in His image not to hurt others, but that He created us to do his will.

As I began to read God’s word, I got a brief understanding on what God was trying to do in my life, but I hit a brick wall when applying it to my life. When I got frustrated about things in my life, my mom would always quote Psalm 27:14 to me which states, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!”

After I was saved, I met a guy named Freeman Cortez, who helped me break down scripture to where I would understand it as well as being able to apply it to my life.  Through this, I received a scripture that guides my life, Psalm 31:1 “In you, O Lord, I put my trust; let me never be ashamed; deliver me in your righteousness.”

I apply His word to my life because I cry out to God day and night, I trust Him with every breath I take, and I will never ever again be ashamed to tell anyone that my God is the creator of all things good.  So, I live to glorify and honor the One that saved me from death and continues to bless me with His unconditional love and righteousness.  I thank and love the most Merciful, Graceful, Righteous King of kings, and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ!!