LAR – Timothy L. Cormier – October 7th, 2019

My Life Story Testimony

Timothy L. Cormier

            My name is Timothy Cormier. I am 28 years old and I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior on April 10, 2015.

            When I was in the county jail facing a 25 years-to-life sentence, I was pacing back and forth in my cell thinking of my elderly mother, who I left behind with a broken heart due to my criminal behavior and selfish thinking.

            When people say God works in mysterious ways, I’m a firm believer of that, because God used the time I had alone in my cell to speak to me.  One day I’m staring out of my window, looking at the clear blue sky, and trying to keep my mind clear of previous visits I have had from my attorney who I must say delivered bad news. 

            One particular moment when I’m was in the middle of my cell in mid-stride of my pace mode, my body stopped suddenly.  Out of nowhere I was on my knees crying out… “Why God”?  “Why?”  During all this, God filled my mind with the moments I’ve shared with people He placed in my life to help steer me in the right direction.  Following that, He reminded me of the times I pushed them away due to my irrational thinking.

            You’re probably wondering what occurred in my life prior to accepting Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  It all began on August 28, 1991 when I was abandoned at just two weeks old by my biological mother next to a dumpster on the side of a motorcycle club in Richmond, California.  A stranger later became the woman I love with all my heart, my lovely mother and queen.  She raised me all by herself. During the process to legalize me as her son, she gave my biological mother time to take action to claim me, but it never happened…to me nor my six siblings.  My father is unknown, but my mom (not biological) kept it real and showed me where my family stayed in North Richmond, California.

            From the early age of five years old, I started misbehaving; not at home as much, but in public.  It all began when kids started calling my mother names due to her having a white-skin complexion, but her nationality was 100% French.  It was to the point where I got in fights almost every day, especially in elementary and middle school.  Every so often I would throw a temper-tantrum to the point where neighbors would call the police.  They would come and investigate.  Once they arrived on the scene, they would speak to me and my mom, then all would be well.

            My church-going days started at Calvary Assembly in Richmond, California.  I was baptized there early on in life; but on one particular Sunday, my life took a dramatic change.  The Pastor’s son and I had received permission to go to the local park before services, since it was an hour and a half before it was to begin.  While at the park swinging, I noticed an older African American male stumbling like he was drunk so with my eyes focused on him.  Shortly after, a green colored Mustang pulled up alongside this individual, and two Hispanic males jumped out and stabbed this man repeatedly. 

            The only thing that caused them to stop was that one of the Hispanics noticed that my friend and I were watching.  Seconds after, they both jumped in their vehicle and sped off.  We both jumped off the swings in a daze.  We arrived to where everything had happened and I was the first person to see the body, and the huge amount of blood.  I automatically knew this person was dead because of the amount of blood spewed around his body.

            We ran back to the church. The moment we were going to knock on the door, my friend’s father (the pastor) opened the door concerned as to why we were breathing hard.  I spoke up and said we didn’t want to be late for service.  We gave each other a certain look that said we tell no one about this.  From that day forward, my thirst for blood and other illegal activities began. 

            I started to live a life of a hustler, a North Richmond gang member, shooter, robber, burglar, and all the above.  My mother and others had no control over me.  At the age of 13 years old, I began going to juvenile hall, house arrest, probation, and I even went to a mental hospital for assaulting staff in middle school. 

            The beginning of high school is when my gang life got real…. murders, shootings, rival gang fights, and all you can think of happened.  By the grace of God, I was never caught for a serious crime and I must say I’m very thankful for that.

            What is more appreciative than that is my godmother (my dad’s mother) began to take notice of my innocence buried somewhere deep down inside of me.  So, what she started doing was sitting me down and having long and serious talks with me.  Out of all the conversations we had with each other, the number one was that I take heed and read Proverbs each day of the month.  With me not being born again, words in the Bible were gibberish along with the services that I was attending with my mother and granny.

            While just an adolescent I remember getting baptized; but of course, with me being so young, it had no meaning to me.  I was just being obedient to my mother. 

            Once I graduated high school in 2009, I started attending Bethel Tabernacle with my god-grandparents every Sunday.  They would come and pick me up faithfully at 7:00 am. sharp, no matter my location.  The only thing that was troubling was that I was living a double life, so they call it.  In other words, straddling the fence.

            God was trying His best to get my attention; but due to being hard-headed, I was brushing it off and doing “me” as I call it.  It was to the point where I was moving reckless, bouncing out of vehicles in broad daylight committing murders or attempted murders without doing my proper homework, and doing other uncalled-for crimes.  During all this, God being the merciful Father that He is, has given me numerous opportunities to get on the straight path.

            I dabbled in it but ended up back thuggin’ in the streets.  To get my full attention, I went through a lot.  My first adult case in the county jail was 12 months with half-time, 7 years joint suspension and five years’ probation, then released. I was home for roughly two months, then arrested again and back to the county jail I go. In the process of attending court dates, two of my brothers got killed due to street violence, and I lost my granny to stage 4 breast cancer.

            I go to trial and lose, and I get sentenced to seven years with half time and four years on probation.  In June 2013, I lost a third brother due to street violence.  Now I’m fully trippin’ on all my enemies that I come into contact in prison.  I was anxious to come home and spill blood on the streets of Richmond.  It was so serious that my twin sister wanted to ride shotgun with me.

            Anyway, God loving me unconditionally is still trying to draw me close to Him.  Guess what?  I’m still being rebellious.  In 2014, I went to fire camp, and in 2015 on March 27th, I paroled.  I paroled on a Thursday and the following day I check in with parole to the one-stop career center to apply for some jobs.  That didn’t go too well.  Sunday comes and I went to church to see my godmother and sister get baptized.  After service we went to the cemetery, which was hard. 

            Monday is where everything goes downhill.  I’m tempted by Satan himself, and I disregard the noticeable signs by God.  Long story short, I get arrested for 1st degree residential burglary, and I already have two strikes.  I arrived in the county jail stressed out the game, not knowing what these court proceedings have in store for me.  To sum it all up, I started attending all bible studies on my own, and going to Sunday services.  From the first Sunday service, God started speaking to me through the pastor’s sermons.  I’m taking heed to what’s being said and doing self-help bible studies.  I began praying on my own and in the prayer circle in the module.  On April 10, 2015, the pastor could have been talking to “me” directly, because every word that was spoken by him seemed like it was directed to me.  Once the pastor was done, he walked to the organ and began playing, “I Surrender All,” and following that was an altar call. 

            Guess who was the first to step up to the plate.  Me!  Right then and there, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

            It is absolutely true!  He says He’ll come into your life and transform you from the inside out.  I have been through many obstacles, jumped over hurdles, and gone through trials and tribulations.  But not one time has He left me or forsaken me.

            We go through tough times to build up character and to increase in spiritual maturity.  I love who I am in Christ, because it shows me the real “Timothy” that God designed me to be, not that person who was hiding behind all that pain and suffering from my life’s struggles.

            I encourage all who haven’t accepted Christ as their Savior to step up and be courageous and make that decision before it’s too late.

            God Bless all who encounter this testimony.


Timothy L. Cormier

Servant and Child of the Most High