LAR Advanced Edward Parks August 6, 2016

A Journey of One

By:  Edward Parks

In some ways “Life Above Reproach” is a new awakening from the not yet completed journey.  This journey will be complete when I stand before my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  For many years I believed I had arrived at the good Christian life, a perfect understanding of God’s Word, and His will for my life.

The Bible tells us to keep on the narrow path that leads to life everlasting.  Through becoming comfortable with my life and at peace with the world, I became complacent.  I lost my wife, my business, and my fellowship with God’s people in my church.  As an ordained Deacon, I let down my Lord who had called me to a servant’s position and to be the least and humble.  I became proud and arrogant.

Our Lord, in His love for me, allowed the circumstances of my life to lead me to a 5-year plus sentence.  Those He loves, He chastens and corrects.  But, He does it with a loving and gentle hand.

While at Solano State Prison, our Lord led me to the Chapel of the Good Shepherd Ministry and Life Above Reproach.  By the way, life above reproach means God is leading me to a life above being a laughing stock.  In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah’s friend who had visited Jerusalem said the people were a reproach to the unbelievers around them.  I do not want to be a reproach before my God and His people, and the world.

Over the last 9 months, He has reignited His spark in me to love and trust Him completely, and to have a heart for His church.  Through weekly study of each book in the New Testament and carefully and prayerfully answering the questions in the lessons in the Life Above Reproach, He has changed my heart, my soul, and of course, my life.  I know the many hours of sharing with my brothers in our small groups have changed my eternal perspective on life and the world.

I thank God for this and if you are ready for a life-changing challenge, I recommend that you follow Jesus’ lead and take on the “Life Above Reproach.”


Your Brother in Christ, Ed Parks


P.S.  Gain a new perspective on each area of your life and see how our Father’s love will consume you and drive you to greater love and desire for Him!