LAR – David R. Ewart – August 6, 2016


My incarceration is the direct result of my sin, not one great huge sin, but a change in my behavior. It took time for Satan to destroy my value system and my strong beliefs. My temptation, subsequently my fall from grace, was like a frog that is placed in cool water with a very low flame under the container. As time goes by, the water heats up and the frog is cooked, never knowing what happened to it.
I am incarcerated in a California prison with a sentence of 34 years-to-life. The first time I will be eligible to go before the parole board will be in the year 2014. I will be 69 years old at that time. I am a first time offender.
My heart feels concern for the individuals reading this testimony; my hope is that you stop playing with sin. Remember, GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! He will not be mocked today or tomorrow; there is always going to be a consequence for your sin. I do not care how smart you are for He is much smarter. I do not care how clever you are, He is much cleverer. I do not care what your IQ is; He created your IQ.
My crime of murder was committed in 1993. Seventeen years after I had given my heart to Jesus Christ. After my conversion, I sold my clothing business in Southern California and went to Bible college. I felt I had been “called” into the ministry. I grew in human knowledge about the “Word of God” and the vocabulary that goes with being a Christian. There were times that I could hear His voice and great signs and wonders happened around me. My family and I would pray and doors would open, people called us the “perfect” family. After my graduation from Bible college, I became a school teacher and lay minister. For years I followed that path.
Then, I let Satan rob my joy through some circumstances that are not important now. I became bitter towards the church. I had taken my eyes off of Jesus and became very prideful in my accomplishments. I felt I could do it on my own. Why couldn’t I? I was an educated man who was a teacher and a minister. I even made it to the ranks of college professor; I was teaching in a graduate school at the time of my arrest. I am not looking for sympathy. I want to express how important it is to keep your eyes on the Lord. We are under attack all the time. Our society has become obsessed with sexual pleasure. It seems no matter where you turn you are bombarded with individuals selling sexual pleasure.
Yes, I lost everything that was dear to me. My two grown children do not communicate with me. I have never seen or touched any of my four granddaughters. I robbed my children of ever being kissed or hugged by their mother. I have robbed my granddaughters of every knowing their grandmother. I have lost all of my material wealth. I have lost almost every friend that I had. I have lost contact with almost all of my family.
However, I now know who Jesus Christ is! HE came into my cell and forgave me of my sins. He set me free inside! He has called me again to preach and teach His mighty message—His GRACE! I now have a captive audience here in prison. He has called me twice now. He will not have to call me again. I have received the invitation into my heart, mind, and soul.
I pray that my testimony will help at least one person not to make the same mistake that I did; and, not to think that your sin would not be found out. Remember, GOD WILL NOT BE MOCKED! If you do not believe me, read the Bible. It is full of God’s judgment on disobedient people all through history.

Rev. David Robert Ewart, Ph. ED.