LAR – Charles Warner – April 8, 2017

My Testimony

Dear Friend,

I hope and pray this letter finds you and your family in good spirits.  My name is Charles Warner.  I am serving a life sentence for kidnap robbery.  I have been incarcerated since 1988.

Today I’m in a good place, but it was not always that way.  With no father in my life and my mother in and out of my life, my pain, anger, resentment, shame, and guilt led me on a path of destruction.  The path landed me in juvenile hall placements, foster homes, group homes, camp, and youth authority twice.  I was looking for something to hold on to, something or someone, that would fill that void in my life.

I took to the streets hoping to find my answers which led me to where I am today.  When I look back, I find that I was in my mess looking for answers, but all my pain was still there.  To be real, it had gotten worse.  If I keep on doing the same old things, my results remain the same.  I was afraid to ask for help because I kept thinking I could do it on my own.  I was still carrying that baggage that was holding me down.  I needed to look into the mirror and make some changes.  First, I needed to ask for help; and second, I needed to understand why I was feeling pain, anger, resentment, guilt, and shame.  My self-help classes helped me a whole lot; but through the years, I always felt that something was still missing “that void.”

In 2008, I tore my Achilles playing ball and I was in a cast for 14 months.  At that time while I was on my bunk, someone brought me a Bible.  Nothing was said and he just went on his way.  For a while, the Bible just sat there.  Then one day I started reading.  Then it hit me!  I was missing my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Once I let him take control of my life, I threw away the “old Charles.”  Today I think differently!  I’m a positive person and will overcome the negative that will come my way.  I now know anything is possible with the Lord in my life.  He fills those voids with positive actions and with positive people.  Understand that you will go through some things, but how you deal with those moments will determine your next step.

Please don’t be afraid to ask for help.  If you are hurting, talk with someone; and no matter what you are going through, don’t beat yourself up.  It is going to be okay.  Don’t be influenced by other’s negativity.  Also, I have learned to forgive.  Today I respect myself which allows me to respect others.  Today I love myself which allows me to love others.  By focusing on my Lord and Savior, I am able to be that loving person.  With my change, I am able help others in their situation.  Today I understand the meaning of life.  Mistakes will be made because no one is perfect.

I know the hurt and pain can be overwhelming.  What my Father has done for me, He can do for you.  My friend, keep your head up.  God loves you and so do I; and if you would like to talk, I’m here for you.  “I was lost and now I am found.”


Charles Warner