LAR – Donnie Beachem – April 8, 2017

My Testimony

Before I got into the “Life Above Reproach,” I was just doing my Bible studies and going to church.  I was comfortable where I was; at least, I felt I was.  When I got into the “Life Above Reproach,” a change started to take place in my life.  I began reading the Word of God more; my prayers picked up more; and in this class, I was even learning things that I didn’t understand.  By letting “the Word of Christ dwell in me richly” Colossians 3:16, my spirit was being taken care of and my life was becoming enriched because I was spending more time with the Lord.

Thank you so very much Brother Munoz, for your love and faithfulness in the Lord Jesus Christ, so that you can be used by the Lord with a willing heart for His glory and His glory alone.


In Christ,

Donnie Beachem

April 7, 2017