LAR – Richie Nunno – April 8, 2017




Before I was incarcerated, I was living a life “below reproach;” I was a manipulator, liar, thief, and a dope fiend.  I was angry, lost, reckless, defiant, and out of control!

I accepted Christ as a young boy; however, I walked away from my faith at 14.  When I received a life sentence at the age of 20, I easily could have given up.  At age 21, I became “born-again.”  In 2001, I started to understand what “fully surrendered” to Christ really meant.  As I built my life on the foundation of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, my life took on purpose; and since, I haven’t looked back.  We all know what happened to Lot and his wife when they looked back.

It has been 24 years since I began my walk with Jesus; and by His grace, I have been able to live “A Life Above Reproach.”  This class has been a tremendous blessing in my walk with Jesus; and hopefully, has been a blessing to my fellow Christians in the group.  The accountability section that I dig into weekly was and is a powerful tool in keeping on the right godly path He has chosen for me.  Being able to listen to one another’s issues that the Holy Spirit impresses upon our hearts, helps us stay completely dependent on His Spirit to be a clean vessel for the Master’s use!  The theme, memory, and impact verses sections were truly helpful in breaking down the scriptures and find out what God’s intention was for me to learn more about His will for Christians back then and what His will is for us today.  Then I would apply what I learned in practical ways daily.  This is how I allowed this program to impact me personally.

I know my mission is not complete until I die and meet Jesus in heaven or when Christ returns.  Just knowing that, has given me great courage to stay watchful and ready for His return by living a “Life Above Reproach,” by service, being watchful, worshiping, and walking in purity.  By investing in this fellowship each week, I have received so much that has strengthened my walk even more; and again, hopefully strengthen anyone I meet throughout the week including my classmates.  This is the only way for me to live; and, it is a humbling and a wonderful privilege to be called a Christian.  My conduct, conversation, and character must daily be Christ-like.  It is not a burden when it comes to following our great “pattern;” in turn, it’s setting an example to the believers.

In closing, I thank God for programs like “Life Above Reproach” that keep me focused on the things above, not on things on this earth.

In His Kingdom Service,

Richie Nunno