LAR – James T. Mayberry Sr. – April 7, 2018

My Testimony

By: James T. Mayberry


I am one who, like many, was raised in the Christian Church. Growing up in the State of Oklahoma, church services were required, including service during the week and three services on Sunday.  Still, I had a rebellious spirit away from my mother, and I did things that I knew were wrong.              I was a fairly good student in school; but in junior high, I began smoking cigarettes moving up to weed and alcohol.  After a short stay in the Army, I relocated to California.  It was then that I came to know what hard drugs were about—cocaine, heroin, and speed.  During this time, I had married and was the father of four children.  I continued to attend church services and was active in my church, but was living a lie because I lived two lives.  On Sunday, I was a Christian; and away from the church, I was an undercover addict.

Because of my addiction and unfaithfulness, I have gone through two divorces.  Beginning in 1983, I started living a life in and out prison because of wanting to do my own thing.  Since that time, I’ve done four prison terms, all being 2-5 years each.  Each time I promised that I would do better only to return to my madness.  In 2002, I committed the crime of murder for taking two lives and I was sentenced to 50-years-to-life.

In 2015 at Folsom State Prison, I was born again.  At that time, I became really serious about my life and walk with the Lord.  It was then that I realized that I could do nothing apart from Christ.  I came to the understanding that I need a personal relationship with God; and to do that, Jesus has to be Lord of my life.  Since sincerely accepting Jesus as my Savior, many blessings had been added to my life.  One of those being Life Above Reproach.  What I enjoy most about the program is the fellowship and accountability.  In prison, one learns not to trust and you don’t dare share your true self.  But, I have formed true fellowship with men who are seeking the Lord as I am.  Life Above Reproach is a safe place for me to be open and honest.  I don’t fear being hurt with my own words or what I say going any farther than the person shared with.  I experienced men coming along side to pray with me in a time of need.  I am so thankful for the fellowship.