LAR – SHAFTER MCCF – R. J. Adriano – May 20, 2018


By R.J. Adriano


Before I became a Christian, I was a drug user and an alcoholic that was driven by pride, anger and greed.  I was a mess!  I was a self-reliant person who never accepted anyone’s help for the simple fact that I didn’t trust anyone, but myself.  My life was centered around fulfilling my personal interest and ambition; not remembering that I have a family that needs my love, care, affection, and attention.  I never realized how evil of a person I was until I got incarcerated and came to know Christ in the most intimate way.

The Lord Jesus molded me to be the person that I am today.  He restored my broken heart, made it whole, and renewed my stinking mind to be the man He created me to be so I can fulfill my divine destiny.  I am so thankful that God saved me.  He’s patient despite all of my worries and fears because I know and believe that He loves me no matter what.