LAR – SHAFTER MCCF – Angel Aguirre – Oct 18, 2018

My Testimony

By Angel Aguirre


There are times when I am going through a valley in my life and it seems as if I am surrounded and the obstacles are insurmountable.  There are times when I am weak and exhausted, and I feel as if I want to give up.  There are times when my vision is obstructed and blurry, and my feet get tired of walking.  There are times when my heart is troubled; and my thoughts are perplexed.

But then, there are times when Jesus tugs on my heart, holds my hand, guides my feet, and whispers to me, “do not grow weary in doing good, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for I am with you wherever you do;  I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  It is in the dark times we grow that we cling and hold on to Jesus all the more.  For I will praise Him in the storm and the brightness of the day.  Worthy is the lamb of God forever and ever!!