LAR – Fred D. Hoff – October 7th, 2019

My Journey in Living a Life Above Reproach

By:  Fred D. Hoff

            Walking with the Lord is not always an easy thing.  Many a trial, trap, temptation, and test await a man who turns to the Lord in earnest, giving his life fully surrendered to the will of God.  To live a Life Above Reproach, (1 Timothy 3:1-7) is the path that God has put me on.

            I first met Armando Munoz in 2014 in our Celebrate Recovery Inside Program here at CSP Solano.  He asked me to come to a discipleship class he was leading called, “Life Above Reproach.”  The program is about lifting each other up in God’s Word, accountability, and growing in the Lord Jesus.  I was just beginning to come out of my shell as a confident man of God, and this wonderfully put together program helped me grow in unexpected ways. 

            After the first time through this 32-week discipleship course studying the entire New Testament of God’s Holy Word, I was asked to facilitate a small group.  I learned how to help lift men up and better understand the Word of God, as well as to live life as God would have us, for Him and His glory.  It was a calling I could not refuse.

            The changes I’ve seen in myself and the other participants over the years are tremendous and very encouraging.  I’ve learned to listen attentively to my brothers in their struggles and to share my short-comings and trials openly.  But there is a cost that comes in walking with the Lord.

            When I step out of obedience, consequences ensue.  My testimony may be compromised.  I may be seen as one of those “phony” Christians who thinks “he’s all that.”  Persecution, rejection, ridicule, misunderstanding and/or criticism may soon follow.

            Although discipleship and truly walking in the freedom of the Lord Jesus may be costly sometimes, the rewards are great.  In learning to live a “Life Above Reproach,” a life of obedience, we know that Jesus will confess us as His own when we go home to our heavenly Father.

            This program has taught me to be comfortable with who I am in Christ.  To step out of my comfort zone and to step out in faith has brought me comfort.  That is obviously a God thing!  God has shown me that I am of real value to Him as He guides me to help others overcome the things that hold them back from growing in their walk with the Lord.  In the same way, I am being stretched and shaped into who He wants me to be, not who I think I am or who I want to be.  It is sometimes a real mystery to understand what God is doing in my life.  I don’t always see it until I’m in it; but mostly, it is afterward. It’s when I look back on all that He has done that I see He has an awesome plan for me, His beloved child. 

            I cannot thank God enough for calling me out and into living a Life Above Reproach, and for putting Brother Armando into my life along with all the other mentors, teachers, elders, counselors, leaders, and precious brothers in Christ.  God has used all of them to strengthen and to encourage me in my walk and for that I am forever grateful.

            As I go out from here, He leads me to continue in the sometimes tedious and tiresome journey, pointing others to Jesus to the glory of our Father.  “Help me Lord to show others Your life living within me, lifting believers up to your Holy, Living, and Active Word.  Teach me all that you have for me to know to help others know you and your endless love for all people.  Father God, guide me, lead me, show me, and grow me. I want to be who you want me to be.  Bless the Life Above Reproach program and Setting the Captives Free Ministries, all the participants, past, present, and future; watch over the church as a whole and may peace be in men’s hearts, wherever you would have it. Thank you, Jesus!”

Fred D. Hoff