LAR – Alejandro Huizar – October 7th, 2019

My Testimony

By Alejandro Huizar

            To Whom It May Concern: 

            To all who are looking for love, take a minute and read what this love has done for me.  It has brought me out of darkness and placed me in the Kingdom of the Righteous.  Not by my own words, but by what Christ has done on the cross.

            In my addiction, I was running from my responsibility as a man and from my family.   I was submerged in drugs and alcohol—meth, heroin, PCP, weed—you name it, I did it!  I say this in case you have a drug problem.  I pray that God may give you the insight of the Holy Spirit, so you can stop.  Please, I beg you to stop for your loved ones because they depend on you.  I know because I dragged them down with my own selfish addiction.

            Now, sitting here in prison looking back at my life, I know I’m not the same person for Christ loves me so much.  I am willing to let go of my own life for His life to reign in me.  Walking with the Lord three years now, He has restored my health, mind, spirit, and best of all, my relationship with Him.  He also blessed me with my wife, my son, and my two daughters, the same family I almost destroyed.  But God is good!  In Christ, every day is different; and every day, His mercies are new.  For He knows we will fall, but if we continue to follow Him, He remains faithful.  He gives us new strength every day to continue following Him.  Thank you, Jesus!  “How” is the question.  Every day I ask the Lord to come into your life and I continue to ask until He manifests Himself to you.  You will know because you want help.  Cry out to Him, “Abba Father, thank you for giving me new life.”  Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  Search out the truth for yourself.

            In my addiction, I always called out to God with all my heart, though it took years for Him to open my eyes.  It doesn’t mean it will be 15 years for you.  Cry out today for today is the day of salvation.  Thank you, Jesus.