LAR – Gerald Holton – October 7th, 2019

Starting Over

Gerald Holton


            In my early twenties, I was running the streets.  I was selling weed, and then I started smoking crack-cocaine.  I robbed, stole, burglarized, and sold crack-cocaine to stay there.  This went on for 11 years while I was in and out of prison a couple of times for selling crack-cocaine and for a series of other small violations. 

            The Lord called on me one time to go to rehab, but I wasn’t strong enough or ready.  I’ve seen a time or two where the Lord was there for me during those times.  Once when I got shot five times by a youngster, three bullets went straight through without hitting anything vital.  The other two bullets are in each butt cheek, and they don’t bother me physically.  Also, He helped me with my kids’ mother.  I put her through a lot of things, and she stuck by me if I wanted her to. 

            After I caught this murder, I’ve seen and felt the Lord there for me.  I came back to the Lord and He has directed me out of situations that kept me out of a lot of trouble.  Last, but not least, he took my LWOP (Life Without Parole) off me.  I went to the Parole Board hearing after 24 years and I got a three-year denial, and I go back next year in October or November.  God is good!