LAR – James T. Mayberry – September 21st, 2020

Slow Down And Take Your Time

By:  James T. Mayberry Sr.



This will be my fourth time submitting a testimony.  This time will be a little different than before.  The only change is, I am 62 years old and instead of a Board date of 2054, by the grace of God it is sometime in 2046.  Now I have 18 years in a sentence of 50-years-to-Life for 1st degree murder.

I will not bombard you with a lot of scriptures that you might find boring, just three this time and I will share three examples of my life that I pray will be of help to someone.

First, I want you to know that anger for me started at a young age.  I know what it is to act out because of fear of not fitting in with the in-crowd.  Although at that time, it may be hard or uncool for you to be yourself because some see you as being different.  I say hold your head high and be as God made you.

Example 1:

Because of wanting to be accepted and not labeled a punk or weak, I started to fight and being violent during my grade school years.  I fought so much that I remember my fourth-grade teacher scolding me.  She said that if I did not learn to control myself, I would end up in prison one day, but what did she know?  (How true!)

Example 2:

At about 12 or 13 years old, alcohol, drugs and sex started for me.  Again because of this behavior, I began to fit in and considered cool.  All the while, I was being told of the dangers of such behavior as a youngster.  Once again, I was talked to by my mother, my older brother, and uncles.  “What did they know!”  Because at the ripe age of 13, I had all the answers.  (Wrong!)

Example 3:

At 17 years old, I graduated from high school having fathered two sons and another child on the way.  I recall the night of graduation.  My older brother talking with me about continuing my education, going on to college.  “Not me!”  In a rush to be what I considered being a man, I was going to do it my way.  I did not need anyone telling me my business.  I was 17 and had it all figured out.  (Wrong again!)

In these examples from the life of one who did not slow down and take his time, came a life unprepared to face, life on life’s terms.  Violence and anger breeds violence and anger.  Alcohol and drugs led to addiction and wrong choices.  Sex at a young age creates a false conception of relationship and love which produces children, often left to be raised by a single mother or grandparents.


The 3 Scriptures:

Young people, when your parents or parent, older brother or sister, uncle or aunt give advice they are only fulfilling God’s command toward you.  (1) Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he (she) should go.”

How often I look back over my life and see how I rejected the words of wisdom from those in my life who I thought did not know or understand.  Only to realize that I was the one who did not understand that they were only trying to spare me some heartache because they knew life.

So, in closing young man, young lady, it is commanded by God for me to tell you when it seems like you are all alone, you are not.  (2)  Hebrews 13:5 Jesus Himself said that “He would never leave you nor forsake you.”  (3)  I Peter 5:6-7 “Therefore humble yourself under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time.  Casting all your cares upon Him for He cares for you.”

Slow down and take your time!