LAR – Linza E. Russell – September 21st, 2020

“My Best Choice”

By:  Linza E. Russell


I am serving a 31-to-Life sentence for murder.  I rededicated my life to serving Christ over 6 years ago.  I was raised as a church goer and taught the lessons of the bible, good and bad, and right and wrong.

I have done many wrong things in my life.  Many things I wish that I could do over, but that is not how life works.  Man may not forgive me, but God has no matter the wrongs I have done.

The hardest part for me is totally surrendering my will to an unseen force.  As my faith grows that too is becoming easier.  I can do nothing alone.  I find it easy to just let go and let God have control.  Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.” This says a lot to me, and it is one of my favorite verses of the Bible.  I John 1:9-10 also speaks volumes to me. It says, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.”

No one has ever said that walking the Christian path would be easy.  Each day I must bear my cross and be shunned because I choose to do the right things.  Being a light for Christ is by no means stating that I am perfect, I know that I am not.  I also know that there is a cost following Christ, again dying to self as Matthew 8:34-37 puts it, “Deny oneself.”

God has blessed me for 60 years even before I knew how to praise and thank Him for His mercy, love, and faithfulness to His word.  No greater friend have I known or will ever know.  Although I cannot see Him, He is always there.  I am comforted knowing that I am never alone.  God does not help us out of trouble.  He will help us through our trials and troubles, a true friend indeed.

May all who are a part of Life Above Reproach, blessings be upon you.  I have learned more by being a part of the groups.  The word of God never changes it has stood the test of time and judgment of mankind.

May all be blessed and ever seeking the Kingdom of Heaven, the face of God Almighty.


Your Brother in Christ,

Linza E. Russell