LAR – Alaren Frazier – September 21st, 2020

Testimony of

Alaren Frazier


It was about 1 a.m. in the morning when I heard someone knocking at the door of my mother’s home.  I was about 15 years old, the only son with two of my younger sisters in the home.  I woke up and headed to the front door asking, “Who is it” as I came through the hallway.  Before I could turn into the living room right at the corner of the hallway, my body came to a complete stop and not by me doing so.  No longer “sleep walking,” my eyes started to pick up particles of the ceiling falling as dust filtered the air, and oddly the so-called knocks are now bullets hitting the iron screen door.  Amazingly I am actually seeing these bullets tear through my home as I stood struck in awe of such danger to my family.

What turned out to be a fraction of a moment seemed like forever!  Standing there knowing I would be killed if I was not pulled to a complete stop!  Snapping out of my trance, I turned and yelled to my mother and siblings to “get down” as I ran to both rooms making sure they were okay and aware they were listening to my cry of concern.  No one was physically hurt, but my family was mentally and emotionally crushed, and traumatized forever.

Looking back at this event and many others where I was miraculously protected by what I credit today as God’s mighty right-hand, I am thankful that He kept me alive for His will and purpose which brings me to you.

Being that you are reading this letter, you have found yourself in a place in life wherein a time of reflecting is inevitable.  I have been in your shoes as a teenager and even in times when bound.  I would read the bible, pray, and attend services.  Surely the blessings and the fact that the mighty right-hand of God has also kept you for His purpose is evident that change is possible.

Whatever the circumstances, pain, resentments, fear, insecurity, or harm which has developed in our life, know that you can and I to will pray that you overcome it.  You are not alone when it comes to the turmoil that life brings, and how we rebound and do great and wonderful things through Christ who strengthens us.

Finally, I hope that your life in Christ brings healing to yourself and others.  For me to reach out by having this opportunity ensures me of the possibility that the impossible becomes possible once we surrender and “get back to our true identity.”

Now allow me to step aside as I came with compassion, respect, love, and truth.  God loves you more than anyone!  John 14:15 “If you love me, keep my commandments.”