LAR – Lester Pamilton – September 21st, 2020

I was Lost Then God Found Me


Lester Pamilton


My story started when I was a very young kid.  My parents would beat me on a regular basis.  My father was a dictator.  I grew up in great fear of him.  For most of my life I hated the fact that he never had time for me.  He never played or taught me any sports.  When he was young, he used to talk about how he liked to go fishing, yet he never taught me how to fish.  He also used to swim in the river as a little boy.  I almost drowned attempting to swim; he never even knew.  But the worst thing I experienced was when he allowed a distant cousin to move in with us who started to molest me.  When I told my parents, their only concern was for me not to let him do anything to my younger sister.  Never a word or concern for me.

My mother used to beat me in the cruelest ways.  The worst was when I would be asleep, and she would snatch the covers off me and began to beat me.  I still suffer with a sleeping disorder to this very day.

I grew up a terribly angry and hateful person.  I had no care or concern for humanity.  I took to drinking and doing drugs heavily.  I became a first-generation gang member.  The drugs and gangs gave me the right avenue to express all the hatred and all the built-up anger I had held in for so many years.  Because I felt so much hurt, pain and plus the shame, I poured it out on people around me.  I would misuse and take advantage of the weak.

At the age of 20, I ended up committing a cold and callus murder.   I went to prison at the age of 27 years old.  I was sent to a mental hospital four different times.  It was while in prison that I came to learn about Jesus Christ.  Once I became willing to accept His forgiveness for all my wrong-doing and then ask Him to be my Lord and Savior, my life started to change slowly for the better.

I am now 62 years old and still in prison, but I now have a freedom and an inner peace that I never knew was possible.  I am about to be released from prison and start my life over with Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life.  I write this testimony in hopes that some young person will read it and learn from what I went through.  I know that no matter what they may be going through or may be facing, they do not have to spend their whole life doing wrong, acting out or doing time.

Jesus loves you and really wants to, and can, turn things around in your life and then give you the best life you could ever imagine.

Get a bible and learn what Jesus did and said while He was on earth.  Pray and talk to Him every day.  Trust Him to lead you and teach you everything you need to know and to connect you with the right people to make all this happen for you.


A Brother and friend that truly cares,

Lester Pamilton, aka Elder “P”