Armando Munoz 11-9-13 Advanced

Making Disciples of All Nations

Matthew 28:18-20, the great commission, calls us to make disciples of many nations. As a Coordinator Facilitator and participant of both Advanced and Basic levels of Life Above Reproach, this call is being fulfilled for me. Life is all about the Kingdom of God! Kingdom standards are much higher and much deeper and more rewarding than living lawfully. The Kingdom is eternal life now. It is abundant. It is relationship. It is power over all past sinful addictive behavior patterns. It is living victoriously as an overcomer.

No one can live a life above reproach unless they are in the Kingdom. No one can be in the Kingdom unless they are born again. The Kingdom is the reign of God in one’s life. We must be born again because apart from the new birth it is our nature to resist the rule of God in pride, lust, and greed which we inherited by birth. This was our inheritance from the Fall.

The Kingdom Standard is purity, love, righteousness, honesty, forgiveness, sincerity, and truth from the heart. Not simply felt, but in spirit and in truth. Living lawfully is like the Pharisees: external submission with internal depravity. In Christ, I can have His righteousness imparted to me as a gift. This gift enables me to live a life in intimate and right relationship with God, in fellowship with God, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. This is eternal life; this is Kingdom living.

As we live this amazing life, we experience the peace or shalom of the Kingdom which means wholeness in every area of our lives. This peace will begin to emanate from God in us to all those around us. This is what it means to be the light of the world.
Jeremiah 29:11 tells us we have a future and a hope. The Kingdom is not only now but it is forward looking. Therefore, we still have a future expectation or realization in the age to come, the Jubilee age. We see glimpses of it expressed throughout the Prophets in the Old Testament and a snapshot in Revelation. It is all in Christ. It was finished in the work of Christ.

As a result, when we received Him now, we enter the family of God. We enter the Kingdom of God, we submit to the Kingdom of God.
We are empowered of the Holy Spirit to live a life above reproach, a Kingdom life. This call to make disciples goes out to all of us. We are overcomers in Christ Jesus our Lord. We have overcome our own blindness as the god of this world; Satan blinds the minds of the unbelievers. God has defeated the blasphemer. Now as believers, we overcome the devil as the accuser of the brethren who accuses us day and night before the Father. We overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, the Word of our Testimony, the armor of God, and even our faith. The devil is defeated; our victory is already secure. What you have learned is to go out, let the Spirit lead you, and make disciples unto the Lord. For this is the Life of the Kingdom.

By Armando Munoz