LAR 2022 – Jon Sparrow – 02-11-2023

Life Above Reproach

Life is Fleeting, Do Not Waste it on Earthy Treasures!

By Jon Sparrow


My name is Jon Sparrow. I have just completed my third course in “Life Above Reproach” in a 25-month period that seemed to fly by—three 8-month courses that have brought me closer to our Lord Jesus.  Becoming more intimate with Him has transformed me into a new creation.  It’s true, you are what you eat, and I had such a hunger for the Word that I have been feasting on it for almost three years now and still can’t get enough.  This sanctification process will continue until I leave this flesh to be with Christ in Heaven.

I thank God daily for what He has done so late in my life.  I accepted Him at 61 years old.  He has brought me peace and joy that I have never known before.  Having purpose in my life for the first time to glorify and please God. A mission to preach His truth to family, friends, and all people. And a vision to bring my mission home to start a bible study helping others grow in His truth glorifying Him alone.

Life Above Reproach has helped my growth in so many ways.  Understanding the fundamentals of the Word of God, being able to go deeper through each course in understanding God’s will and His truths.  By facilitating the last two courses, it has helped me in working with and leading groups of men through the process of studying God’s Word, which will help in starting a bible study at home.

Before my time with God, my life was selfishness, taking—never giving back, all for short-lived self-pleasure from relationships to materialism.  None of it brought joy or lasting happiness, just being left lonely, empty, and sad.  Now I work for God.  I serve Him and my fellow man bringing me joy and happiness that I never thought possible. By loving all people through Jesus Christ, I have learned to love myself.  In His boundless love, Jesus sacrificed Himself for us, giving us faith in Him, His gift of grace, and eternal life.  In that life, His boundless love pours from us into the world bringing us the joy and peace that only His love can give us.

I pray I can pass some form of wisdom onto a younger generation so they may come to know Jesus much sooner than I did.  My life experience of selfishness, greed, and self-satisfaction was but a breath, done and gone so quickly and nothing lasting to show for it, but deep regrets!

God is eternal.  His gift of life is eternal.  His rewards are eternal!  Live for the glory of God and reap the rewards of eternal blessings.  This is what this life is for—to glorify God!  May grace and peace be with you all in Jesus’ name, Amen.