LAR – Frank A 11-9-13 Basic

Life Above Reproach

I’m sitting here laughing, not because I feel that the group “Life Above Reproach” is a joke, but because I thought my will was stronger than the plan God had long ago laid out for me.

I came into this group with minimal expectations, and to learn more about God – what the Bible says about Him. What I wasn’t prepared for was that this was God’s way of reaching out to me. I became a gang member at the early age of 13, and have since lived life in a manner that had no boundaries. It didn’t allow me to respect or value myself and others. The beliefs I gained as a gang member led me to making numerous bad choices. One bad decision led me to murdering a young man, and felt as if I was entitled to do it.

As a result, I was convicted of 2nd degree murder – sentenced to 15 years to life, of which I have now served a total of 23 years. I was 21 years old at the time of my arrest, and my life has been centered on gangs since the age of 13. I honestly believed this gang had my best interest in mind, and I even went as far as valuing their opinion over that of my own family. Living life in any other way was foreign to me, and I feared the concept of change because I didn’t know how to be anything else. My dad was a gang member, my brothers and sisters were gang members, and I was a gang member.

As the group progressed, I began to notice changes beginning to take place within me. I began to study the Bible. Not because it was the groups requirements, but because I felt hungry for more. Little by little I began to curse less. Although I would revert to some of my old behaviors at times, I was quick to correct them and acted responsibly when I offended anyone.

God’s plan slowly chipped away at me. With each part of my life that was being exposed came a new and responsible behavior that allowed me to be a loving, kind, understanding, selfless, and giving man that was no longer criminal minded. I began to speak to others about God and the many times in my life He has had mercy on me. Let me tell you, there’s been plenty. I should have been killed when I was 6 months old, including many times thereafter, but it wasn’t in God’s plan for me to go out in that manner. Today, I’m 45 years old and healthy as an ox. Not only mentally and physically, but spiritually as well. God has now given me a new purpose for living. I recently approached my old associates on the yard to explain that I could no longer be a part of what they believed in because I had made a decision to give my life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. “I could not serve two gods.” I had expected to receive negative feedback from them, but to my surprise their responses were heartfelt and in accordance with God’s will for me. They all respected my decision and even encouraged me to do it wholeheartedly. What I feared the most became my biggest blessing, and I owe it all to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for allowing me to participate in the “Life Above Reproach” group. Not only have I been enlightened about my past behavior; but now that the blindfold I wore for so long has been removed, I’m able to see clearly. I understand that without Jesus Christ in my life, I’m just a step away from making another bad choice and/or decision.

My tattoos and scars tell a story of the person I use to be, but they also remind me of where I don’t want to ever be. Thanks to the grace, and mercy of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I am now what God had in mind when he made me. All praises go to God, and thanks to this group because without them my relationship with God, and others would still be broken.

Respectfully submitted by Frank A.