LAR Michael Arrieta June 21 2015 Basic

Life Above Reproach

Hello!  My name is Michael and my best efforts without Christ driving have resulted in several major wrecks in my life.

Drugs, ungratefulness, taking for granted, and manipulating were my vices, tools, and hindrances.  I can talk anyone into anything if I want to, even myself, for the better part of 46 years.

From 1991 to 1993, I was in prison for the first time in my early 20s for residential burglary.  While I was in the hole, all you can do is read a Bible.  I didn’t know Jesus at all, but I read the entire New Testament over and over and when I got out, I said to myself, “Lord, I am not ready.” So I went to Set Free Christian Fellowship.  I ended up staying there for two years after giving myself completely to Jesus; my first love with Him was unbelievable, like many things to come were with Him.

I was so on fire that when we were doing a car wash in the community to raise money for our church, I was one of the people holding the sign at the “turn light.”  I was witnessing to this carload of people and I wasn’t done when the light turned green.  I knew I had these people or rather the power of the Holy Spirit was using me, so I reached into their car and shut it off to finish.  When the light turned green again, the family turned into the parking lot and gave their lives to Jesus.  Yeah!

The next few years I kept my eyes on Him and He protected me, watched over me, and blessed me over and over.  Then Galatians 4:9 happened.  Complacency happened.  Then, I started putting me first and I inadvertently pushed my Lord out of the way.  Then the gateway to drugs popped into my life and 6 months later I came here to prison again.

From 1997 to 1999, I went to yet another fire department.  I ascertained my Emergency First Responsetraining and most of my Fire Fighter 1 training and went on countless medical calls as well as (MVA) motor vehicle accidents and (TC) traffic collisions.  The best time of my life was at the two fire departments while I was in prison and the following two years after I got out in 1999.  I went back to Set Free Christian Fellowship.I read, studied, learned; and read, studies, learned.  I let Jesus fill me once again.  Isaiah 26:3 is so true and now the cycle will be repeated one last time.

Faith has been easy for me.  God has shown me so many times and kept me alive so often that it would take multiple tablets of paper to explain it all.

You know, there is a faith that overcomes the world and there is a faith that is overcome by the world.  Also, I believe that fear results from not knowing God or trusting in Him enough to abandon our lives to Him.  It is His love and only His love that will set us free and I now realize that until I abandon myself by faith to the mystery of a divine romance with my Savior that I will not fulfill the purpose for the scriptures for my life.  I will be condemned to living in wearisome self-effort following the rules and gritting my teeth to live peaceably with others.  It is the mystery of a love relationship with Christ that sets me free to rest in His redemption.  He will always flow His divine love through my mind and heart for every situation.

May God bless you always,

Michael Arrieta