Life Above Reproach Program

What is true discipleship?  Disciple comes from the Greek word Mathetes: a disciple, and Matheteuo: to make a disciple. The Biblical picture is Christ, the pattern for true discipleship. As Christ began His ministry, he began by calling men to follow Him. In doing so, they were required to leave all and focus solely on Christ and the mission set before them. In this way they learned by hearing, seeing and doing.

The twelve learned by being with Jesus, watching Jesus, hearing Jesus and practicing His word and example in their own lives. They watched Him as Wonderful, miraculously changing their lives forever. They heard Him as Counselor, casting down everything that exalted itself against the knowledge of God. They submitted to Him as Lord having obtained personal revelation that he was, in fact, Mighty God in the flesh. They personally experienced Him as everlasting Father as He demonstrated His love and provision for them in all things. They saw Him as the Prince of Peace when experiencing His peace in the midst of all their storms.

In this day and age how can this process continue? Matthew 28:16-20 is clear we are to make disciples of all nations. We are to do it the same way he did it. This seems impossible for most as they are tied to so many worldly obligations, i.e., job, bills, child care, etc.

However, here in California State Prison, Solano, we are doing just that! How? Primarily through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Secondly through a program sponsored by Ebenezer Outreach Ministries called “Life Above Reproach.” This program requires each participant read through the entire New Testament. Each week, as a group, we meet to discuss what we learned, what passages impacted us most, and the verse (s) we memorized from our reading and any related life application.

We are required to be transparent with each other. We confess to one another any sins we committed during the week. We discuss our behavior, use or misuse of words, and any negative thoughts we entertained.

We also are responsible to monitor any positive changes occurring in our lives. We discuss what God is speaking to us as individuals and what steps or response we are taking to be obedient. We discuss how we blessed others,  showed or shared the love of Christ with unbelievers, and whether we strengthened or weakened the body of Christ.

Finally we pray together corporately. This includes, individually, giving praise and thanksgiving to God for whatever is on our hearts each week. We acknowledge sins, transgressions, and issues for which we decide to repent. We identify issues or persons which we are led to intercede. Lastly, we present our own personal petitions for ourselves. Then we lift it all up to God as an offering in corporate prayer.

The results: we are growing into mature believers. We are walking the walk not just talking the talk. We are developing godly character and community as we disciple one another in the Lord. We are literally watching each other be transformed by the power of God right before our eyes. Thank you Jesus!

In 2001 at another institution a man, who knew I was a Christian, received a RAP GROUP schedule with accompanying information on how the group is to function, from his mother. He was not walking with God at the time but his mother was regularly ministering to him. He gave me the packet believing I could use it. We used it there for a short time as a tool to teach leadership but I was transferred before I ever saw it completed. Since then there was never a realistic opportunity to do it until this year.

We began running the program in April of 2013. I asked Pastor Timothy May if he was willing to sponsor the program we now call “Life Above Reproach” to make it official. He agreed. Hallelujah! We now have completed one eight month session of the basic level which includes all the requirements listed above. Now we have three facilitators running four groups: 1 Basic in Spanish; 2 Basic in English; and 1 Advanced. Advanced has the additional requirements of maintaining a log book of all daily study and personal accountability. Both programs, the Basic and Advanced, require eight months of daily Scripture reading in the New Testament, weekly group participation, and an essay at the end of the Program. Thank you Pastor Tim for your love and support. We also thank all the volunteers and staff that make Ebenezer Outreach a viable spiritual resource. You have helped us have eternal changes effected by Christ in our lives possible, as well as having those very changes recognized by the California Prison System.